Rent terms

Please note

If you suppose to rent out equipment via a third person, you will have to complete a power of attorney to carry out clearing payments on your behalf.

Otherwise, your presence will be necessary at the moment of equipment handoff.

Click here to download a power of attorney
Individual application
Legal entity application
Refund Application
Rental agreement
for an individual
for a legal entity

Rental period

Minimal rental period of equipment is 1 (one) day.

The time of dispatch shall be specified in the rental agreement. We add 5 additional hours to the 24 hours of rental period to allow for the transportation schedule. In fact, 1 (one) day of rent will consist of 29 hours.

Please account for this when returning the equipment.

Should you fail to return equipment (run out of time), we will begin counting the next day.

Procedure for obtaining a tool for hire

Customer pick up

  1. You will confirm required tool/equipment availability at a hire point by phone (a tool can be reserved by max. 3 hours starting from booking).
  2. You will bring deposit amount (see respective section table) and your passport (see deposit).
  3. Upon arrival to the checkpoint located at 121357 Moscow Ul. Generala Dorokhova 10D clarify rental point location (see map on the website).
  4. Attend rental point warehouse.
  5. Select equipment you are interested in.
  6. Check if the equipment is fully operational and functional to avoid further claims.
  7. Sign rental agreement, make deposit payment and pay full hire term.
  8. When the tool is returned in clean and operative condition, you can receive your deposit balance.
  9. If a tool is returned dirty, a 500 RUR fee is charged.
  10. If a tool is returned inoperative due to the fault of Hirer, the Hirer is charged an amount required to restore the tool/equipment to operative condition.
  11. If a tool/equipment is lost, the Hirer will pay its full price.

Rules of acquiring equipment for rent

In order to obtain required equipment for rent, it is necessary to:

  1. Find out over the phone if equipment is available (we can make a reservation for up to 3 hours).
  2. Have your passport with you (see terms of collateral above) and required monetary funds (see rental cost table).
  3. Arrive at the warehouse (see contacts).
  4. Make sure that equipment is clean and functioning properly.
  5. Sign equipment rental agreement.
  6. Make a payment for collateral and equipment rent for the whole rental period.
  7. Attend brief orientation on Safety rules.

Delivery with the shipping company

Please note

To avoid ambiguities, please be notified that Berinaprokat company does not handle its own transport, so delivery is performed by an independent shipping company.

Please confirm delivery term and other delivery issues with the shipping company driver.

  1. You can save your time by ordering delivery service. Rental agreement will be entered into with the driver directly at your facility.
  2. Delivery terms: Delivery charge is from 2000 within the range of Moscow and from 30 RUR per km beyond MKAD (one way). Collection charge is equal to delivery one.
  3. The Hirer will provide timely transport access to their facility.
  4. Equipment handling at the facility is performed by effort of Hirer. In case of transport delay of over 30 min length, the Hirer will reimburse 500 RUR per each delay hour.
  5. Delivery is performed “up to the entrance”.
  6. Collection charge after the expiry of the rental duration is equal to delivery one. This way, the Hirer will pay double delivery charge: 1-st time for equipment delivery and 2-nd time for collection.
Please note

Please be informed that deposit amount can be increased to full equipment/tool price in case of lack of permanent registration in Moscow or Moscow oblast.

We reserve the right to cancel deposit reduction for persons registered in Moscow or suburbs (in cases such as unclosed enforcement proceedings, invalid passport, etc.). You can leave an application for preview in order to avoid ambiguities when agreement is being concluded.

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