Сollateral, rules of acquiring equipment for rent

Please note

If you plan to return equipment through the third party, You will have to draw up a Power of Attorney to make mutual settlements on your behalf.

Otherwise, You will have to be present when equipment is being returned.

You may download the form of a Power of Attorney here


Amount of collateral indicated in the table is valid only for the residents of Moscow and its suburbs (i.e. those who have registered address there).

Registration, patents and other documents (except for the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) shall not serve as the basis for preferential collateral.

Persons who do not permanently reside (i.e. those not having registered address in Moscow or Moscow region) shall pay the full value of collateral.

This rule may apply to the residents of Moscow and its region as well. Decision will be taken by the Manager at the time of providing equipment and will depend on the credit history and conformity of the lessee.

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