Construction tools for hire

Construction equipment for hire and construction tools for hire in construction field is quite popular service in modern business.

Since 2009, our company is focused on professional construction equipment and tools hire.

We work with corporate clients as well as with private customers.

Modern construction technologies imply usage of different equipment, tools, and complex devices.

Obviously, purchasing a full set of professional quality tools requires considerable expenditures.

If a tool is supposed to be used occasionally or only once, purchasing will be unfeasible expense.

Construction tool rental services

«Berinaprokat» company rents out its own equipment.

Since we do not practice sub-rental, we can adjust to any client.

We do not have to approve hire terms and conditions, we make our self-dependent decisions and are able to solve any questions promptly.

Equipment warehouses are located close to the corporate office, so the client will not have to make a long way to receive his tools or equipment.

Our advantages

We rent out a wide range of construction tools. You can choose not only by device specifications, but also by maker.

Our construction rental offer is based on our interest in successful client operation.

Our advisors will help you choose a proper appliance that fits specific customer’s tasks and preferences.

Special equipment rental conditions are offered to major regular clients. Individual terms are included into hire agreement.

Our company offers lowest deposit and versatile pricing that makes it possible to find a value-driven solution for each case.

We update our rent-out equipment fleet on a regular basis. Our tools are always ready for use that allows you to avoid any emergencies.

In case of circumstances beyond control, we are ready to offer a prompt solution.

Advantages of Lease Relationships

  • Qualitative technical equipment allows to achieve competitive advantages, but in the period of formation, young organizations do not have the opportunity to acquire a full fleet of technical equipment.
  • Often there is not enough storage space to store equipment and tools.
  • The shortage of skilled workers who know the rules of maintenance of specific tools is also affecting.
  • For young companies, rental of construction tools and rental of construction equipment - the best way to perform diverse construction and installation and repair and finishing tasks.
  • Without a large investment in the purchase of necessary equipment, the lessee gets all the necessary technical means.
  • We take care of the storage of tools and equipment, performing this task on a professional level. Also we regularly carry out competent maintenance of equipment and tools.
  • Another important factor is efficiency. In the event of a tool breakdown, we repair the unit that was out of order in the shortest possible time, or we replace it with a similar instrument in terms of operating parameters.

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